
Living no life

Hello everyone

fieuw, just passed some pretty intense, rough weeks. School’s been going crazy, had hundreds of tasks to make and didn’t have time to post something new, but no worries; here I am with a new post during holidays! Yes! (more…)

College and stuff

Hey everyone!

Let me start by telling you guys how sorry I actually am. Yes, I know, I’ve been totally MIA lately and really I’m sorry.

Forgive me? Good!

Where have I been? Well I started college two weeks ago and I was feeling a little overwhelmed and I had a lot to do so that’s actually why I’ve not been posting. (more…)

Let’s catch up!

Hellow my fellow readers! Wow! Must have been a looong time since I’ve posted something new :O I’m sorry, I really am. I’be been pretty busy with school (student council), homework, exams (preparation) and stuff at home, so I didn’t have much time left to write something new. Therefore: a little update about my life and non-life-ish lifestyle. First about my schooltrip to Italy! (more…)